illumina::interop::io Namespace Reference




struct  abstract_metric_format
struct  abstract_text_format
struct  bad_format_exception
struct  default_layout
struct  file_not_found_exception
struct  format_exception
struct  generic_layout
struct  generic_layout< corrected_intensity_metric, 2 >
struct  generic_layout< corrected_intensity_metric, 3 >
struct  generic_layout< corrected_intensity_metric, 4 >
struct  generic_layout< dynamic_phasing_metric, 1 >
struct  generic_layout< error_metric, 3 >
struct  generic_layout< error_metric, 4 >
struct  generic_layout< error_metric, 5 >
struct  generic_layout< error_metric, 6 >
struct  generic_layout< extended_tile_metric, 1 >
struct  generic_layout< extended_tile_metric, 2 >
struct  generic_layout< extended_tile_metric, 3 >
struct  generic_layout< extraction_metric, 2 >
struct  generic_layout< extraction_metric, 3 >
struct  generic_layout< image_metric, 1 >
struct  generic_layout< image_metric, 2 >
struct  generic_layout< image_metric, 3 >
struct  generic_layout< index_flowcell_summary, 1 >
struct  generic_layout< index_metric, 1 >
struct  generic_layout< index_metric, 2 >
struct  generic_layout< phasing_metric, 1 >
struct  generic_layout< phasing_metric, 2 >
struct  generic_layout< q_by_lane_metric, 4 >
struct  generic_layout< q_by_lane_metric, 5 >
struct  generic_layout< q_by_lane_metric, 6 >
struct  generic_layout< q_collapsed_metric, 2 >
struct  generic_layout< q_collapsed_metric, 3 >
struct  generic_layout< q_collapsed_metric, 4 >
struct  generic_layout< q_collapsed_metric, 5 >
struct  generic_layout< q_collapsed_metric, 6 >
struct  generic_layout< q_metric, 4 >
struct  generic_layout< q_metric, 5 >
struct  generic_layout< q_metric, 6 >
struct  generic_layout< q_metric, 7 >
struct  generic_layout< run_summary, 1 >
struct  generic_layout< summary_run_metric, 1 >
struct  generic_layout< tile_metric, 2 >
struct  generic_layout< tile_metric, 3 >
struct  incomplete_file_exception
struct  invalid_argument
struct  metric_format
struct  metric_format_factory
class  paths
struct  q_score_bin_layout
struct  read_array_helper
struct  read_array_helper< ReadType, ValueType, true >
struct  text_format
struct  text_format< Metric, text_layout< Metric, Version > >
struct  text_format_factory
struct  text_format_factory_proxy
struct  text_layout
struct  text_layout< corrected_intensity_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< dynamic_phasing_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< error_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< error_metric, 2 >
struct  text_layout< error_metric, 3 >
struct  text_layout< extended_tile_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< extended_tile_metric, 2 >
struct  text_layout< extraction_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< image_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< index_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< phasing_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< q_by_lane_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< q_collapsed_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< q_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< summary_run_metric, 1 >
struct  text_layout< tile_metric, 1 >


template<typename Source , typename Destination >
void copy_from (std::ostream &, const Source &, const Destination &)
template<typename Source , typename Destination >
void copy_from (std::istream &, Destination &dst, const Source &src)
template<typename Source , typename Destination >
void copy_from (const char *, Destination &dst, const Source &src)
template<typename ReadType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize stream_map (std::istream &in, ValueType &val)
template<typename ReadType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize stream_map (char *&in, ValueType &val)
std::streamsize stream_map (std::istream &in, std::string &val)
std::streamsize stream_map (char *&in, std::string &val)
template<typename ReadType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize stream_map (std::istream &in, std::vector< ValueType > &vals, const size_t n)
template<typename ReadType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize stream_map (char *&in, std::vector< ValueType > &vals, const size_t n)
template<typename ReadType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize padded_stream_map (std::istream &in, std::vector< ValueType > &vals, const size_t n, const ReadType)
template<typename ReadType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize padded_stream_map (char *&in, std::vector< ValueType > &vals, const size_t n, const ReadType)
template<typename ReadType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize stream_map (std::istream &in, std::vector< ValueType > &vals, const size_t offset, const size_t n)
template<typename ReadType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize stream_map (char *&in, std::vector< ValueType > &vals, const size_t offset, const size_t n)
template<typename ReadType , typename ValueType , size_t N>
std::streamsize stream_map (std::istream &in, ValueType(&vals)[N], const size_t n)
template<typename ReadType , typename ValueType , size_t N>
std::streamsize stream_map (char *&in, ValueType(&vals)[N], const size_t n)
template<typename WriteType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize stream_map (std::ostream &out, const ValueType val)
std::streamsize stream_map (std::ostream &out, const std::string &str)
template<typename WriteType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize stream_map (std::ostream &out, const ValueType &vals, const size_t n)
template<typename WriteType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize padded_stream_map (std::ostream &out, const ValueType &vals, const size_t n, const WriteType pad)
template<typename WriteType , typename ValueType >
std::streamsize stream_map (std::ostream &out, const ValueType &vals, const size_t offset, const size_t n)
template<typename Layout >
void map_resize (const Layout &, size_t)
template<typename Layout >
void map_resize (Layout &layout, const size_t n)
template<class T >
void read_binary (std::istream &in, T *buffer, const size_t n)
template<class T >
void read_binary (std::istream &in, T &buffer)
template<class T >
void read_binary (char *&in, T *buffer, const size_t n)
template<class T >
void read_binary (char *&in, T &buffer)
template<class T >
std::streamsize read_binary_with_count (std::istream &in, T &buffer)
template<class T >
std::streamsize read_binary_with_count (char *&in, T &buffer)
template<class T >
read_binary (std::istream &in)
template<class T >
void read_binary (std::istream &in, std::vector< T > &buffer, const size_t n)
template<class T >
void read_binary (std::istream &in, std::vector< T > &buffer)
void read_binary (std::istream &in, std::string &str, const std::string &default_val)
template<class T >
void write_binary (std::ostream &out, const T *buffer, const size_t n)
template<class T >
void write_binary (std::ostream &out, const T &buffer)
template<class T >
void write_binary (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< T > &buffer, const size_t n)
template<class T >
void write_binary (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< T > &buffer)
void write_binary (std::ostream &out, const std::string &str)
std::streamsize scount (std::istream &in)
std::streamsize scount (std::ostream &out)
template<class MetricSet >
size_t compute_buffer_size (const MetricSet &metrics) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((io
template<class MetricSet >
size_t write_interop_to_buffer (const MetricSet &metrics,::uint8_t *buffer, const size_t buffer_size)
template<class MetricSet >
void read_interop_from_buffer (::uint8_t *buffer, const size_t buffer_size, MetricSet &metrics) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((interop
template<class MetricSet >
void read_interop_from_string (const std::string &buffer, MetricSet &metrics, const bool rebuild=true) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((interop
template<class MetricSet >
void write_interop_to_string (std::string &buffer, const MetricSet &metrics, const ::int16_t version=-1) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((interop
template<class MetricSet >
size_t read_header_from_string (const std::string &buffer, MetricSet &metrics) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((interop
template<class MetricSet >
void write_header_to_string (std::string &buffer, const MetricSet &metrics,::int16_t version=-1) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((interop
template<class MetricSet >
void read_interop (const std::string &run_directory, MetricSet &metrics, const bool use_out=true) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((io
template<class MetricSet >
bool write_interop (const std::string &run_directory, const MetricSet &metrics, const bool use_out=true, const ::int16_t version=-1) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((io
template<class MetricType >
void write_interop_header (const std::string &run_directory, const ::int16_t version=-1, const typename MetricType::header_type &header=typename MetricType::header_type(), const bool use_out=true) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((io
template<class MetricSet >
bool interop_exists (const std::string &run_directory, MetricSet &, const bool use_out=true) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((io
template<class MetricSet >
void list_interop_filenames (std::vector< std::string > &files, const std::string &run_directory, const size_t last_cycle=0, const bool use_out=true, const bool add=false)
template<class MetricSet >
void read_interop_by_cycle (const std::string &run_directory, MetricSet &metrics, const size_t last_cycle, const bool use_out=true) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((interop
template<class MetricSet >
bool interop_exists (const std::string &run_directory, MetricSet &, const size_t last_cycle, const bool use_out=true) INTEROP_THROW_SPEC((io
template<class Metric >
bool is_deprecated (const int version)
template<class MetricSet >
bool is_deprecated_set (MetricSet &metrics)
template<class MetricType >
std::string interop_filename (const std::string &run_directory, bool use_out=true)
template<class MetricType >
std::string interop_basename (bool use_out=true)
template<class MetricType , typename OutputIterator >
void copy_versions (OutputIterator oit)
template<class MetricSet >
size_t read_header (std::istream &in, MetricSet &metrics)
template<class MetricSet >
void read_metrics (std::istream &in, MetricSet &metrics, const size_t file_size, const bool rebuild=true)
template<class MetricType >
size_t record_size (const typename MetricType::header_type &header, const ::int16_t version=MetricType::LATEST_VERSION)
template<class MetricType , class HeaderType >
size_t size_of_record (const HeaderType &header, const ::int16_t version=MetricType::LATEST_VERSION)
template<class MetricSet >
bool is_multi_record (const MetricSet &header,::int16_t version=-1)
template<class MetricSet >
size_t size_of_buffer (const MetricSet &metric_set,::int16_t version=-1)
template<class MetricType , class Header >
size_t size_of_header (const Header &header, const ::int16_t version=MetricType::LATEST_VERSION)
template<class MetricSet >
size_t header_size (const MetricSet &header,::int16_t version=-1)
template<class MetricType >
void write_metric (std::ostream &out, const MetricType &metric, const typename MetricType::header_type &header, const ::int16_t version)
template<class MetricType >
void write_metric_header (std::ostream &out, const ::int16_t version, const typename MetricType::header_type &header=typename MetricType::header_type())
template<class MetricType >
std::string interop_filename (const std::string &run_directory, const size_t cycle, bool use_out=true)
std::string combine (const std::string &path, const std::string &name)
std::string combine (const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2, const std::string &path3)
std::string basename (std::string const &source)
std::string dirname (std::string source)
bool is_file_readable (const std::string &filename)
bool mkdir (const std::string &path, const int mode=0733)
::int64_t file_size (const std::string &path)

Function Documentation

std::string basename ( std::string const &  source)

Get the file name from a file path

sourcefull file path
name of the file
std::string combine ( const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  name 

Combine two directories or a directory and a filename into a file path

This function provides a platform independent way to generate a file path. It currently supports most operating systems include Mac OSX, Windows and Linux/Unix.

pathstring representing a file path
namestring representing a file or directory name to append to the end of the path
proper os-dependent file path
std::string combine ( const std::string &  path1,
const std::string &  path2,
const std::string &  path3 

Combine two directories or a directory and a filename into a file path

This function provides a platform independent way to generate a file path. It currently supports most operating systems include Mac OSX, Windows and Linux/Unix.

path1string representing a file path 1
path2string representing a file path 2
path3string representing a file path 3
proper os-dependent file path
void illumina::interop::io::copy_from ( std::ostream &  ,
const Source &  ,
const Destination &   

Place holder that does not perform a copy

void illumina::interop::io::copy_from ( std::istream &  ,
Destination &  dst,
const Source &  src 

Copy from source to destination

void illumina::interop::io::copy_from ( const char *  ,
Destination &  dst,
const Source &  src 

Copy from source to destination

void illumina::interop::io::copy_versions ( OutputIterator  oit)

Copy list of version numbers to output iterator

oitdestination iterator for versions
std::string dirname ( std::string  source)

Get the directory name from a file path

sourcefull file path
name of the directory
int64_t file_size ( const std::string &  path)

Get the size of a file

This should be more efficient than opening a file and seeking the end.

pathpath to the target file
size of the file or -1 if the operation failed
size_t illumina::interop::io::header_size ( const MetricSet &  header,
::int16_t  version = -1 

Get the size of a metric file header

headerheader for metric
versionversion of the format
size of metric file header
std::string illumina::interop::io::interop_basename ( bool  use_out = true)

Generate a file name from a run directory and the metric type

The 'Out' suffix is appended when we read the file. We excluded the Out in certain conditions when writing the file.
use_outif true, append "Out" to the end of the filename
file path to the InterOp directory
std::string illumina::interop::io::interop_filename ( const std::string &  run_directory,
bool  use_out = true 

Generate a file name from a run directory and the metric type

The 'Out' suffix is appended when we read the file. We excluded the Out in certain conditions when writing the file.
run_directoryfile path to the run directory
use_outif true, append "Out" to the end of the filename
file path to the InterOp directory
std::string illumina::interop::io::interop_filename ( const std::string &  run_directory,
const size_t  cycle,
bool  use_out = true 

Generate a file name from a run directory and the metric type for by cycle InterOps

The 'Out' suffix is appended when we read the file. We excluded the Out in certain conditions when writing the file.
run_directoryfile path to the run directory
cyclecurrent cycle
use_outif true, append "Out" to the end of the filename
file path to the InterOp directory
bool illumina::interop::io::is_deprecated ( const int  version)

Test if metric format version is deprecated

versionversion of format to check
true if format version is deprecated
bool illumina::interop::io::is_deprecated_set ( MetricSet &  metrics)

Test if metric format version is deprecated

metricsmetric set
true if format version is deprecated
bool is_file_readable ( const std::string &  filename)

Check if a file exists

filenamename of the file
true if the file exists and is readable
bool illumina::interop::io::is_multi_record ( const MetricSet &  header,
::int16_t  version = -1 

Test whether the format support multi-records

headerheader for metric
versionversion of the format
true if the format supports multiple records
void illumina::interop::io::map_resize ( const Layout &  ,

Placeholder that does nothing

void illumina::interop::io::map_resize ( Layout &  layout,
const size_t  n 

Resize both vectors

layoutvector of layout values
nnumber of elements
bool mkdir ( const std::string &  path,
const int  mode = 0733 

Create a directory

pathpath to new directory
modepermissions on directory
true if directory was created

Create a directory

pathpath to new directory
true if directory was created
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::padded_stream_map ( std::istream &  in,
std::vector< ValueType > &  vals,
const size_t  n,
const ReadType   

Read an array of values of type ReadType from the given input stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

ininput stream
valsdestination array of values
nnumber of values to read
number of bytes read from the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::padded_stream_map ( char *&  in,
std::vector< ValueType > &  vals,
const size_t  n,
const ReadType   

Read an array of values of type ReadType from the given input stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

ininput stream
valsdestination array of values
nnumber of values to read
number of bytes read from the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::padded_stream_map ( std::ostream &  out,
const ValueType &  vals,
const size_t  n,
const WriteType  pad 

Write an array of values of type ReadType to the given output stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

outoutput stream
valsdestination array of values
nnumber of values in array
paddefault number of pad
number of bytes written to the stream
void illumina::interop::io::read_binary ( std::istream &  in,
T *  buffer,
const size_t  n 

Read an array of data from an input stream

ininput stream
bufferarray of data
nnumber of elements in the array
void illumina::interop::io::read_binary ( std::istream &  in,
T &  buffer 

Read an value of binary data from an input stream

ininput stream
void illumina::interop::io::read_binary ( char *&  in,
T *  buffer,
const size_t  n 

Read an array of data from an input stream

ininput stream
bufferarray of data
nnumber of elements in the array
void illumina::interop::io::read_binary ( char *&  in,
T &  buffer 

Read an value of binary data from an input stream

ininput stream
T illumina::interop::io::read_binary ( std::istream &  in)

Read an value of binary data from an input stream

ininput stream
buffer value
void illumina::interop::io::read_binary ( std::istream &  in,
std::vector< T > &  buffer,
const size_t  n 

Read a vector of data from an input stream

ininput stream
buffervector of data
nnumber of elements in the vector
void illumina::interop::io::read_binary ( std::istream &  in,
std::vector< T > &  buffer 

Read a vector of data from an input stream

ininput stream
buffervector of data
void illumina::interop::io::read_binary ( std::istream &  in,
std::string &  str,
const std::string &  default_val 

Read string data from a binary file stream

ininput stream
strstring buffer
default_valdefault value for an empty string
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::read_binary_with_count ( std::istream &  in,
T &  buffer 

Read binary and return a count

ininput stream
number of bytes read
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::read_binary_with_count ( char *&  in,
T &  buffer 

Read binary and return

ininput stream
number of bytes read
size_t illumina::interop::io::read_header ( std::istream &  in,
MetricSet &  metrics 

Read the header from the stream

ininput stream
metricsmetric set
number of bytes read from the stream
void illumina::interop::io::read_metrics ( std::istream &  in,
MetricSet &  metrics,
const size_t  file_size,
const bool  rebuild = true 

Read the binary InterOp file into the given metric set

ininput stream
metricsmetric set
file_sizenumber of bytes in the file
rebuildflag indicating whether to rebuild the lookup table
size_t illumina::interop::io::record_size ( const typename MetricType::header_type &  header,
const ::int16_t  version = MetricType::LATEST_VERSION 

Get the size of a single metric record

headerheader for metric
versionversion of the format
size of a single metric record
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::scount ( std::istream &  in)

Number of characters extracted on the last unformatted (binary) input operation

ininput stream
number of characters read
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::scount ( std::ostream &  out)

Number of characters written so far to the stream

outoutput stream
number of characters written
size_t illumina::interop::io::size_of_buffer ( const MetricSet &  metric_set,
::int16_t  version = -1 

Get the size of a metric file header

metric_setset of metrics
versionversion of the format
size of metric file header
size_t illumina::interop::io::size_of_header ( const Header &  header,
const ::int16_t  version = MetricType::LATEST_VERSION 

Get the size of a metric file header

headerheader for metric
versionversion of the format
size of metric file header
size_t illumina::interop::io::size_of_record ( const HeaderType &  header,
const ::int16_t  version = MetricType::LATEST_VERSION 

Get the size of a single metric record

headerheader for metric
versionversion of the format
size of a single metric record
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( std::istream &  in,
ValueType &  val 

Read a value of type ReadType from the given input stream

ininput stream
valdestination value
number of characters read
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( char *&  in,
ValueType &  val 

Read a value of type ReadType from the given input stream

ininput stream
valdestination value
number of characters read
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( std::istream &  in,
std::string &  val 

Read a string from the given input stream

ininput stream
valdestination string
number of characters read
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( char *&  in,
std::string &  val 

Read a string from the given input stream

ininput stream
valdestination string
number of characters read
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( std::istream &  in,
std::vector< ValueType > &  vals,
const size_t  n 

Read an array of values of type ReadType from the given input stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

ininput stream
valsdestination array of values
nnumber of values to read
number of bytes read from the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( char *&  in,
std::vector< ValueType > &  vals,
const size_t  n 

Read an array of values of type ReadType from the given input stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

ininput stream
valsdestination array of values
nnumber of values to read
number of bytes read from the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( std::istream &  in,
std::vector< ValueType > &  vals,
const size_t  offset,
const size_t  n 

Read an array of values of type ReadType from the given input stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

ininput stream
valsdestination array of values
offsetstarting index of values to copy to in vals
nnumber of values to read
number of bytes read from the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( char *&  in,
std::vector< ValueType > &  vals,
const size_t  offset,
const size_t  n 

Read an array of values of type ReadType from the given input stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

ininput stream
valsdestination array of values
offsetstarting index of values to copy to in vals
nnumber of values to read
number of bytes read from the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( std::istream &  in,
ValueType(&)  vals[N],
const size_t  n 

Read an array of values of type ReadType from the given input stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

ininput stream
valsdestination array of values
nnumber of values in array
number of bytes read from the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( char *&  in,
ValueType(&)  vals[N],
const size_t  n 

Read an array of values of type ReadType from the given input stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

ininput stream
valsdestination array of values
nnumber of values in array
number of bytes read from the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( std::ostream &  out,
const ValueType  val 

Write a value of type ReadType to the given output stream

outoutput stream
valsource value
number of bytes written to the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( std::ostream &  out,
const std::string &  str 

Write a string to the given output stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

outoutput stream
strsource string
number of bytes written to the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( std::ostream &  out,
const ValueType &  vals,
const size_t  n 

Write an array of values of type ReadType to the given output stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

outoutput stream
valsdestination array of values
nnumber of values in array
number of bytes written to the stream
std::streamsize illumina::interop::io::stream_map ( std::ostream &  out,
const ValueType &  vals,
const size_t  offset,
const size_t  n 

Write an array of values of type ReadType to the given output stream

TODO: create more efficient buffered version

outoutput stream
valsdestination array of values
offsetstarting index of values to write to in vals
nnumber of values in array
number of bytes written to the stream
void illumina::interop::io::write_binary ( std::ostream &  out,
const T *  buffer,
const size_t  n 

Write an array of data to an output stream

outoutput stream
bufferarray of data
nnumber of elements in the array
void illumina::interop::io::write_binary ( std::ostream &  out,
const T &  buffer 

Write a value as binary data to an output stream

outoutput stream
void illumina::interop::io::write_binary ( std::ostream &  out,
const std::vector< T > &  buffer,
const size_t  n 

Write an vector of data to an output stream

outoutput stream
buffervector of data
nnumber of elements in the vector
void illumina::interop::io::write_binary ( std::ostream &  out,
const std::vector< T > &  buffer 

Write an vector of data to an output stream

outoutput stream
buffervector of data
void illumina::interop::io::write_binary ( std::ostream &  out,
const std::string &  str 

Write string data to a binary file stream

outoutput stream
strstring buffer
void illumina::interop::io::write_metric ( std::ostream &  out,
const MetricType &  metric,
const typename MetricType::header_type &  header,
const ::int16_t  version 

Write a metric to a binary InterOp file

outoutput stream
headerheader for metric
versionversion of the format
void illumina::interop::io::write_metric_header ( std::ostream &  out,
const ::int16_t  version,
const typename MetricType::header_type &  header = typename MetricType::header_type() 

Write a header describing the metric records

outoutput stream
versionversion of format
headermetric header