Plot the Indexing Graph

This application writes out of file that is compatible with both TSV (tab separated values) and GNUPlot, a command line plotting tool available on Linux, Mac OSX and Windows.

Running the Program

The program runs as follows:

 $ plot_sample_qc 140131_1287_0851_A01n401drr

In this sample, 140131_1287_0851_A01n401drr is a run folder and the summary is written to the standard output.

 # Version: v1.0.4-246-ge7f7de7
 # Run Folder: 18818805
 set terminal png crop
 set output '18818805_sample-qc.png'
 set yrange [0 : 14 ]
 set ylabel "% Reads Identified (PF)"
 set xrange [0 : 92 ]
 set xlabel "Index Number"
 set style fill solid border -1
 unset key
 plot "-" using 1:2:3 with boxes title "% reads" lt rgb "green"
 1  0.793876    1
 2  0.85501 1
 3  1.09858 1