Generate the SAV Imaging Table

This application writes out a CSV file containing the same data as the SAV Imaging tab.

Running the Program

The program runs as follows:

 $ imaging_table 9166157_221Bin2R0I

In this sample, 9166157_221Bin2R0I is a run folder and the summary is written to the standard output.

 # Run Folder: 9166157_221Bin2R0I
 Lane,Tile,Cycle,Read,Cycle Within Read,Density(k/mm2),Density Pf(k/mm2),Cluster Count (k),Cluster Count Pf (k),% Pass Filter,% Aligned,% Phasing,% Prephasing,Error Rate,%>= Q20,%>= Q30,P90|A,P90|C,P90|G,P90|T,% No Calls,% Base|A,% Base|C,% Base|G,% Base|T,Fwhm|A,Fwhm|C,Fwhm|G,Fwhm|T,Corrected|A,Corrected|C,Corrected|G,Corrected|T,Called|A,Called|C,Called|G,Called|T,Signal To Noise,Time,Surface,Swath,Tile Number