Load hap.py results, build metrics and custom metadata into a happy_compare object using happyR.

read_samplesheet_(samplesheet, lazy = TRUE)



A happyCompare samplesheet (data.frame). Required fields: Group.Id, Sample.Id, Replicate.Id, happy_prefix. Optional fields: build_metrics. Also supports additional metadata fields supplied as extra columns.


Do not load larger hap.py results until needed. Default: TRUE.


A happy_compare object, with the following fields:

  • samplesheet: the original samplesheet, stored as a data.frame.

  • happy_results: a happy_result_list object that contains individual happy_result objects as defined in happyR.

  • build_metrics: a build_metrics_list that contains a list of data.frames created from the csv files provided under the build_metrics column of the samplesheet.

  • ids: a vector of unique identifiers for each result.


# NOT RUN { happy_compare <- read_samplesheet(samplesheet_path = 'happyCompare_samplesheet.csv') # }