"gnomAD-preview": [
"chromosome": "1",
"begin": 40001,
"end": 47200,
"variantId": "gnomAD-SV_v2.1_DUP_1_1",
"variantType": "duplication",
"failedFilter": true,
"allAf": 0.068963,
"afrAf": 0.135694,
"amrAf": 0.022876,
"easAf": 0.01101,
"eurAf": 0.007846,
"othAf": 0.017544,
"femaleAf": 0.065288,
"maleAf": 0.07255,
"allAc": 943,
"afrAc": 866,
"amrAc": 21,
"easAc": 17,
"eurAc": 37,
"othAc": 2,
"femaleAc": 442,
"maleAc": 499,
"allAn": 13674,
"afrAn": 6382,
"amrAn": 918,
"easAn": 1544,
"eurAn": 4716,
"othAn": 114,
"femaleAn": 6770,
"maleAn": 6878,
"allHc": 91,
"afrHc": 90,
"amrHc": 1,
"easHc": 0,
"eurHc": 0,
"othHc": 55,
"femaleHc": 44,
"maleHc": 47,
"reciprocalOverlap": 0.01839,
"annotationOverlap": 0.16667
Field | Type | Notes |
chromosome | string | chromosome number |
begin | integer | position interval start |
end | integer | position internal end |
variantType | string | structural variant type |
variantId | string | gnomAD ID |
allAf | floating point | allele frequency for all populations. Range: 0 - 1.0 |
afrAf | floating point | allele frequency for the African super population. Range: 0 - 1.0 |
amrAf | floating point | allele frequency for the Ad Mixed American super population. Range: 0 - 1.0 |
easAf | floating point | allele frequency for the East Asian super population. Range: 0 - 1.0 |
eurAf | floating point | allele frequency for the European super population. Range: 0 - 1.0 |
othAf | floating point | allele frequency for all other populations. Range: 0 - 1.0 |
femaleAf | floating point | allele frequency for female population. Range: 0 - 1.0 |
maleAf | floating point | allele frequency for male population. Range: 0 - 1.0 |
allAc | integer | allele count for all populations. |
afrAc | integer | allele count for the African super population. |
amrAc | integer | allele count for the Ad Mixed American super population. |
easAc | integer | allele count for the East Asian super population. |
eurAc | integer | allele count for the European super population. |
othAc | integer | allele count for all other populations. |
maleAc | integer | allele count for male population. |
femaleAc | integer | allele count for female population. |
allAn | integer | allele number for all populations. |
afrAn | integer | allele number for the African super population. |
amrAn | integer | allele number for the Ad Mixed American super population. |
easAn | integer | allele number for the East Asian super population. |
eurAn | integer | allele number for the European super population. |
othAn | integer | allele number for all other populations. |
femaleAn | integer | allele number for female population. |
maleAn | integer | allele number for male population. |
allHc | integer | count of homozygous individuals for all populations. |
afrHc | integer | count of homozygous individuals for the African / African American population. |
amrHc | integer | count of homozygous individuals for the Latino population. |
easHc | integer | count of homozygous individuals for the East Asian population. |
eurAc | integer | count of homozygous individuals for the European super population. |
othHc | integer | count of homozygous individuals for all other populations. |
maleHc | integer | count of homozygous individuals for male population. |
femaleHc | integer | count of homozygous individuals for female population. |
failedFilter | boolean | True if this variant failed any filters (Note: we do not list the failed filters) |
reciprocalOverlap | floating point | Reciprocal overlap. Range: 0 - 1.0 |
annotationOverlap | floating point | Reciprocal overlap. Range: 0 - 1.0 |
Note: Following fields are not available in GRCh38 because the source file does not contain this information:
Field |
femaleAf |
maleAf |
maleAc |
femaleAc |
femaleAn |
maleAn |
allHc |
afrHc |
amrHc |
easHc |
eurAc |
othHc |
maleHc |
femaleHc |
failedFilter |