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Version: 3.22


"gnomAD-preview": [
"chromosome": "1",
"begin": 40001,
"end": 47200,
"variantId": "gnomAD-SV_v2.1_DUP_1_1",
"variantType": "duplication",
"failedFilter": true,
"allAf": 0.068963,
"afrAf": 0.135694,
"amrAf": 0.022876,
"easAf": 0.01101,
"eurAf": 0.007846,
"othAf": 0.017544,
"femaleAf": 0.065288,
"maleAf": 0.07255,
"allAc": 943,
"afrAc": 866,
"amrAc": 21,
"easAc": 17,
"eurAc": 37,
"othAc": 2,
"femaleAc": 442,
"maleAc": 499,
"allAn": 13674,
"afrAn": 6382,
"amrAn": 918,
"easAn": 1544,
"eurAn": 4716,
"othAn": 114,
"femaleAn": 6770,
"maleAn": 6878,
"allHc": 91,
"afrHc": 90,
"amrHc": 1,
"easHc": 0,
"eurHc": 0,
"othHc": 55,
"femaleHc": 44,
"maleHc": 47,
"reciprocalOverlap": 0.01839,
"annotationOverlap": 0.16667

chromosomestringchromosome number
beginintegerposition interval start
endintegerposition internal end
variantTypestringstructural variant type
variantIdstringgnomAD ID
allAffloating pointallele frequency for all populations. Range: 0 - 1.0
afrAffloating pointallele frequency for the African super population. Range: 0 - 1.0
amrAffloating pointallele frequency for the Ad Mixed American super population. Range: 0 - 1.0
easAffloating pointallele frequency for the East Asian super population. Range: 0 - 1.0
eurAffloating pointallele frequency for the European super population. Range: 0 - 1.0
othAffloating pointallele frequency for all other populations. Range: 0 - 1.0
femaleAffloating pointallele frequency for female population. Range: 0 - 1.0
maleAffloating pointallele frequency for male population. Range: 0 - 1.0
allAcintegerallele count for all populations.
afrAcintegerallele count for the African super population.
amrAcintegerallele count for the Ad Mixed American super population.
easAcintegerallele count for the East Asian super population.
eurAcintegerallele count for the European super population.
othAcintegerallele count for all other populations.
maleAcintegerallele count for male population.
femaleAcintegerallele count for female population.
allAnintegerallele number for all populations.
afrAnintegerallele number for the African super population.
amrAnintegerallele number for the Ad Mixed American super population.
easAnintegerallele number for the East Asian super population.
eurAnintegerallele number for the European super population.
othAnintegerallele number for all other populations.
femaleAnintegerallele number for female population.
maleAnintegerallele number for male population.
allHcintegercount of homozygous individuals for all populations.
afrHcintegercount of homozygous individuals for the African / African American population.
amrHcintegercount of homozygous individuals for the Latino population.
easHcintegercount of homozygous individuals for the East Asian population.
eurAcintegercount of homozygous individuals for the European super population.
othHcintegercount of homozygous individuals for all other populations.
maleHcintegercount of homozygous individuals for male population.
femaleHcintegercount of homozygous individuals for female population.
failedFilterbooleanTrue if this variant failed any filters (Note: we do not list the failed filters)
reciprocalOverlapfloating pointReciprocal overlap. Range: 0 - 1.0
annotationOverlapfloating pointReciprocal overlap. Range: 0 - 1.0

Note: Following fields are not available in GRCh38 because the source file does not contain this information:
