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Version: 3.2.5


coverageintaverage coverage (non-negative integer values)
allAffloatallele frequency for all populations. Range: 0 - 1.0
allAcintallele count for all populations. Integer.
allAnintallele number for all populations. Non-zero integer.
allHcintcount of homozygous individuals for all populations. Non-negative integer.
afrAffloatallele frequency for the African / African American population. Range: 0 - 1.0
afrAcintallele count for the African / African American population. Integer.
afrAnintallele number for the African / African American population. Non-zero integer.
afrHcintcount of homozygous individuals for African / African American population. Non-negative integer.
amrAffloatallele frequency for the Latino population. Range: 0 - 1.0
amrAcintallele count for the Latino population. Integer.
amrAnintallele number for the Latino population. Non-zero integer.
amrHcintcount of homozygous individuals for Latino population. Non-negative integer.
easAffloatallele frequency for the East Asian population. Range: 0 - 1.0
easAcintallele count for the East Asian population. Integer.
easAnintallele number for the East Asian population. Non-zero integer.
easHcintcount of homozygous individuals for East Asian population. Non-negative integer.
finAffloatallele frequency for the Finnish population. Range: 0 - 1.0
finAcintallele count for the Finnish population. Integer.
finAnintallele number for the Finnish population. Non-zero integer.
finHcintcount of homozygous individuals for Finnish population. Non-negative integer
nfeAffloatallele frequency for the Non-Finnish European population. Range: 0 - 1.0
nfeAcintallele count for the Non-Finnish European population. Integer.
nfeAnintallele number for the Non-Finnish European population. Non-zero integer.
nfeHcintcount of homozygous individuals for Non-Finnish European population. Non-negative integer
othAffloatallele frequency for the Other population. Range: 0 - 1.0
othAcintallele count for the Other population. Integer.
othAnintallele number for the Other population. Non-zero integer.
othHcintcount of homozygous individuals for Other population. Non-negative integer
asjAffloatallele frequency for the Ashkenazi Jewish population. Range: 0 - 1.0
asjAcintallele count for the Ashkenazi Jewish population Integer.
asjAnintallele number for the Ashkenazi Jewish population. Non-zero integer.
asjHcintcount of homozygous individuals for the Ashkenazi Jewish population. Non-negative integer
sasAffloatallele frequency for the South Asian population. Range: 0 - 1.0
sasAcintallele count for the South Asian population Integer.
sasAnintallele number for the South Asian population. Non-zero integer.
sasHcintcount of homozygous individuals for the South Asian population. Non-negative integer.
failedFilterboolTrue if this variant failed any filters (Note: we do not list the failed filters)