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Version: 3.26 (unreleased)

ISCN-like Simple Nomenclature


The International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN) is a standardized system used to describe chromosomal abnormalities. It is a standardized system developed to describe the banding pattern of human chromosomes as well as any structural variations. ISCN is used by geneticists and researchers to ensure clarity and uniformity when reporting chromosomal abnormalities.

The tool provides ISCN-like simple nomenclature to describe karyotype of the input in sample's and variant's level in both VCF and JSON outputs.

For VCF output, you can find them in following fields:

##INFO=<ID=NOM,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Simple ISCN-like nomanclature for each of the variants">
##FORMAT=<ID=SNOM,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Simple nomenclature of the sample">

For JSON output, you can find them in following fields:

"header": {...},
"simpleNomenclature": "Xq26.2q26.3(133042525_136149357)x2-3" // Simple nomenclature of the sample for this position
"simpleNomenclature": "dup(X)(q26.2q26.3)" // Simple ISCN-like nomanclature for each of the variants
"genes": [...],
"simpleNomenclature": "3p21.31p21.1(47880200_53573886)x2 hmz,6p11.2(57801514_57827028)x3 hmz,Xq26.2q26.3(133042525_136149357)x2-3" // concated sample's nomenclature

Variant's level ISCN-like Simple Nomenclature:

Key Components

  • Chromosome Number: Identifies the chromosome.
  • Arm: Chromosome arms are labeled "p" (short arm) and "q" (long arm).
  • Banding Pattern: Each arm is divided into regions, bands, and sub-bands that are numbered starting from the centromere (central part of the chromosome).

Supported Structural Variant Types

The algorithm supports the following structural variant types:

  • Deletion (del)
  • Duplication (dup)
  • Copy Number Gain (dup)
  • Copy Number Loss (del)

Processing Details

The provided ISCN notation algorithm processes chromosomal variants and generates ISCN notation by following these steps:

  1. Identify Variant Type: The algorithm recognizes several types of chromosomal variants such as duplications, deletions, copy number gains, and copy number losses.

  2. Locate Cytogenetic Bands: Using the start and end positions of the variant, the algorithm identifies the corresponding cytogenetic bands on the chromosome.

  3. Generate Notation: Constructs the ISCN notation string using the variant type, chromosome number, and identified cytogenetic bands.


For a deletion on chromosome 8 from position 19200001 to 135400001, the algorithm would:

  1. Recognize the variant type as a deletion.
  2. Identify the start band as p21.3 and the end band as q24.23.
  3. Generate the ISCN notation: del(8)(p21.3q24.23).

More examples:

ChromosomeStart PositionEnd PositionVariant TypeISCN Notation
8127300001131500000copy number gaindup(8)(q24.21q24.22)
8128746677128749160copy number gaindup(8)(q24.21q24.21)
8135400001138900001copy number lossdel(8)(q24.23q24.3)
X86200001103700000copy number lossdel(X)(q21.31q22.2)

Sample's level ISCN-like Simple Nomenclature

Supported VCF Types

The tool supports following VCF files for sample level ISCN-like Simple Nomenclature:

  • CNV
  • Ploidy


For CNV VCFs, the key components of the simple nomenclatures for each sample are:

  1. Chromosome
  2. Genetic Band of the CNV
  3. Start/End Position
  4. Sample's Copy Number: In the case of Mosaic Copy Number Gain Variant, we calculate the possible copy number range from the ploidy and segment mean field.
  5. (Optional) Loss of Heterozygosity

An example input VCF line:


The annotated VCF would look like:

347880199DRAGEN:CNLOH:3:47880200:53573886...END=53573886;REFLEN=5693687;CSQ=...GT:SM:CN:BC:PE:SNOM1/1:1.0:2:5694:15,15:3p21.31p21.1(47880200_53573886)x2 hmz
657801513DRAGEN:GAINLOH:6:57801514-57827028...END=57827028;REFLEN=25515;CTB=6p11.2GT:SM:CN:BC:PE:SNOM1/1:1.5:3:532812:15,15:6p11.2(57801514_57827028)x3 hmz

Ploidy VCF

For a Ploidy VCF, the key components of the simple nomenclature are:

  1. Reference Sex Karyotype, which is given in the input VCF header
  2. Chromosome
  3. Chromosome's Ploidy Number indicated by - or +

Detailed processing logic is described below: 1.Read the referenceSexKaryotype from the header (e.g., "##referenceSexKaryotype=XY"), which determines the reference ploidy numbers for autosomes and sex chromosomes. Refer to the full sex ploidy reference table here: reference sex karyotype of ploidy caller. 2.For any whole chromosome \<DEL>/\<DUP> variant, calculate the ploidy difference for each sample based on the reference ploidy numbers and update the SNOM field accordingly. Use the sex chromosome ploidy reference for sex chromosomes.

An example ploidy VCF:

##INFO=<ID=END,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="End position of the variant described in this record">
##INFO=<ID=SVTYPE,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Type of structural variant">
##ALT=<ID=DEL,Description="Region of lowered copy number relative to the reference, or a deletion breakpoint">
##ALT=<ID=DUP,Description="Region of elevated copy number relative to the reference, or a tandem duplication breakpoint">
##FILTER=<ID=LowQual,Description="QUAL below 20">
##FORMAT=<ID=DC,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Depth of coverage">
##FORMAT=<ID=NDC,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Normalized depth of coverage">
chr1 1 . N . 28.8542 PASS END=248956422 DC:NDC 62.6489:1.01177
chr2 1 . N . 31.4584 PASS END=242193529 DC:NDC 61.938:1.00029
chr3 1 . N . 30.9953 PASS END=198295559 DC:NDC 61.612:0.995028
chr4 1 . N . 21.6147 PASS END=190214555 DC:NDC 60.5016:0.977094
chr5 1 . N . 31.0972 PASS END=181538259 DC:NDC 61.6479:0.995607
chr6 1 . N . 31.4546 PASS END=170805979 DC:NDC 61.8865:0.999461
chr7 1 . N . 31.0756 PASS END=159345973 DC:NDC 61.6399:0.995478
chr8 1 . N . 29.7097 PASS END=145138636 DC:NDC 61.3224:0.990351
chr9 1 . N . 31.1025 PASS END=138394717 DC:NDC 61.6499:0.995639
chr10 1 . N <DEL> 31.3434 PASS END=133797422 DC:NDC 62.0741:0.00249
chr11 1 . N <DEL> 31.4584 PASS END=135086622 DC:NDC 61.9018:0.49708
chr12 1 . N <DUP> 31.1682 PASS END=133275309 DC:NDC 62.1638:1.50394
chr13 1 . N <DUP> 20.9025 PASS END=114364328 DC:NDC 60.4509:1.976276
chr14 1 . N . 31.1918 PASS END=107043718 DC:NDC 62.1537:1.00378
chr15 1 . N . 26.9044 PASS END=101991189 DC:NDC 62.884:1.01557
chr16 1 . N . 29.5543 PASS END=90338345 DC:NDC 62.5433:1.01007
chr17 1 . N . 17.2853 LowQual END=83257441 DC:NDC 63.6241:1.02752
chr18 1 . N . 24.6182 PASS END=80373285 DC:NDC 60.7381:0.980915
chr19 1 . N . 23.6804 PASS END=58617616 DC:NDC 63.1802:1.02035
chr20 1 . N . 29.2849 PASS END=64444167 DC:NDC 62.5859:1.01076
chr21 1 . N . 29.4056 PASS END=46709983 DC:NDC 61.2726:0.989546
chr22 1 . N . 16.8285 LowQual END=50818468 DC:NDC 63.6517:1.02797
chrX 1 . N <DUP> 150 PASS END=156040895 DC:NDC 88.8375:2.050044
chrY 1 . N <DUP> 150 PASS END=57227415 DC:NDC 88.8375:2.050044

The resulted VCF:


Resulted JSON:

"header": {
"annotator": "Illumina Connected Annotations 3.24.0",
"samples": [
"positions": [
"chromosome": "chr10",
"position": 1,
"svEnd": 133797422,
"refAllele": "N",
"altAlleles": [
"quality": 31.3434,
"filters": [
"cytogeneticBand": "10p15.3-q26.3",
"samples": [
"simpleNomenclature": "-10,-10",
"normalizedDepthOfCoverage": 0.0025
"variants": [
"chromosome": "chr11",
"position": 1,
"svEnd": 135086622,
"refAllele": "N",
"altAlleles": [
"quality": 31.4584,
"filters": [
"cytogeneticBand": "11p15.5-q25",
"samples": [
"simpleNomenclature": "-11",
"normalizedDepthOfCoverage": 0.4971
"variants": [
"chromosome": "chr12",
"position": 1,
"svEnd": 133275309,
"refAllele": "N",
"altAlleles": [
"quality": 31.1682,
"filters": [
"cytogeneticBand": "12p13.33-q24.33",
"samples": [
"simpleNomenclature": "+12",
"normalizedDepthOfCoverage": 1.5039
"variants": [
"chromosome": "chr13",
"position": 1,
"svEnd": 114364328,
"refAllele": "N",
"altAlleles": [
"quality": 20.9025,
"filters": [
"cytogeneticBand": "13p13-q34",
"samples": [
"simpleNomenclature": "+13,+13",
"normalizedDepthOfCoverage": 1.9763
"variants": [
"chromosome": "chrX",
"position": 1,
"svEnd": 156040895,
"refAllele": "N",
"altAlleles": [
"quality": 150,
"filters": [
"cytogeneticBand": "Xp22.33-q28",
"samples": [
"simpleNomenclature": "+X",
"normalizedDepthOfCoverage": 2.05
"variants": [
"chromosome": "chrY",
"position": 1,
"svEnd": 57227415,
"refAllele": "N",
"altAlleles": [
"quality": 150,
"filters": [
"cytogeneticBand": "Yp11.32-q12",
"samples": [
"simpleNomenclature": "+Y",
"normalizedDepthOfCoverage": 2.05
"variants": [
"samples": [
"id": "SM-LGH3Z",
"simpleNomenclature": "48,XY,-10,-10,-11,+12,+13,+13,+X,+Y"
