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Version: 3.25

Variant IDs


Many downstream tools use a variant identifier to store annotation results. We've standardized on using variant identifiers (VIDs) that originated from the notation used by the Broad Institute.

The Broad VID scheme is not only simple, but it has the advantage that a user could create a bare bones VCF entry from the information captured in the identifier. One of the limitations of the Broad VID scheme is that it does not define how to handle structural variants. Our VID scheme attempts to fill that gap.

  • all chromosomes use Ensembl style notation (i.e. 22 instead of chr22)
  • for a reference variant (i.e. no alt allele), replace the period (.) with the reference base
  • padding bases are used, neither the reference nor alternate allele can be empty
  • some large variant callers lazily output N for the reference allele. If this is the case, replace it with the true reference base

Small Variants

VCF Examples

chr1    66507   .   T   A   184.45  PASS    .
chr1 66521 . T TATATA 144.53 PASS .
chr1 66572 . GTA G,GTACTATATATTATA 45.45 PASS .


chromosomepositionreference allelealternate allele

VID Examples

  • 1-66507-T-A
  • 1-66521-T-TATATA
  • 1-66572-GTA-G

Translocation Breakends

VCF Example

chr1    2617277 .   A   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTAGTCAGGCAC[chr3:153444911[  .   PASS    SVTYPE=BND


chromosomepositionreference allelealternate allele

VID Example

  • 1-2617277-A-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTAGTCAGGCAC[chr3:153444911[

All Other Structural Variants

VCF Examples

chr1    1000    .   G   <ROH>   .   PASS    END=3001000;SVTYPE=ROH
chr1 1350082 . G <DEL> . PASS END=1351320;SVTYPE=DEL
chr1 1477854 . C <DUP:TANDEM> . PASS END=1477984;SVTYPE=DUP
chr1 1477968 . T <INS> . PASS END=1477968;SVTYPE=INS
chr1 1715898 . N <DUP> . PASS SVTYPE=CNV;END=1750149
chr1 2650426 . N <DEL> . PASS SVTYPE=CNV;END=2653074
chr2 321682 . T <INV> . PASS SVTYPE=INV;END=421681
chr20 2633403 . G <STR2> . PASS END=2633421


chromosomepositionend positionreference allelealternate alleleSVTYPE

VID Examples

  • 1-1000-3001000-G-<ROH>-ROH
  • 1-1350082-1351320-G-<DEL>-DEL
  • 1-1477854-1477984-C-<DUP:TANDEM>-DUP
  • 1-1477968-1477968-T-<INS>-INS
  • 1-1715898-1750149-A-<DUP>-CNV (replace the N with A)
  • 1-2650426-2653074-N-<DEL>-CNV (keep the N)
  • 2-321682-421681-T-<INV>-INV
  • 20-2633403-2633421-G-<STR2>-STR