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Version: 3.23

GME Variome


The Greater Middle East (GME) Variome Project is aimed at generating a coding base reference for the countries found in the Greater Middle East. Illumina Connected Annotations presents variant frequencies for the Greater Middle Eastern population.


Scott, E. M., Halees, A., Itan, Y., Spencer, E. G., He, Y., Azab, M. A., Gabriel, S. B., Belkadi, A., Boisson, B., Abel, L., Clark, A. G., Greater Middle East Variome Consortium, Alkuraya, F. S., Casanova, J. L., & Gleeson, J. G. (2016). Characterization of Greater Middle Eastern genetic variation for enhanced disease gene discovery. Nature genetics, 48(9), 1071–1076.

TSV Extraction

chrom   pos     ref     alt     AA      filter  FunctionGVS     geneFunction    Gene    GeneID  SIFT_pred       GERP++  AF      GME_GC  GME_AC  GME_AF  NWA     NEA     AP      Israel  SD      TP      CA      FunctionGVS_new Priority        Polyphen2_HVAR_pred     LRT_pred        MutationTaster_pred     rsid    OMIM_MIM        OMIM_Disease    AA_AC   EA_AC   rsid_link       position_link
1 69134 A G A VQSRTrancheSNP99.90to100.00 nonsynonymous_SNV exonic OR4F5 79501 T 2.31 96:0:5 10,192 0.04950495049504951 4:0:0 59:0:2 12:0:0 0:0:0 6:0:0 9:0:2 13:0:2 nonsynonymous_SNV MODERATE B N N none - - none none -
1 69270 A G A PASS synonymous_SNV exonic OR4F5 79501 . . 93:38:240 518,224 0.6981132075471698 5:5:11 63:30:86 12:5:28 1:0:2 2:2:18 7:3:46 7:2:52 synonymous_SNV LOW . . . rs201219564 - - none none
1 69428 T G T PASS nonsynonymous_SNV exonic OR4F5 79501 D 0.891 676:44:15 74,1396 0.050340136054421766 43:0:2 313:16:10 88:7:3 6:0:0 44:8:0 102:9:0 102:4:2 nonsynonymous_SNV MODERATE D N N rs140739101 - - 14,3808 313,6535


We parse the GME tsv file and extract the following columns:

  • chrom
  • pos
  • ref
  • alt
  • filter
  • GME_AC
  • GME_AF

GRCh37 liftover

The data is not available for GRCh38 on GME website. We performed a liftover from GRCh37 to GRCh38 using CrossMap.

Download URL

JSON output

allAcintGME allele count
allAnintGME allele number
allAffloatGME allele frequency
failedFilterboolTrue if this variant failed any filters