Getting Started
Illumina Connected Annotations is written in C# using .NET Core (an amazing runtime environment that currently runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and in Docker images). Once .NET Core has been downloaded, all you need to do is grab the source, compile it, and grab the data files.
Illumina Connected Annotations currently uses .NET6.0. Please make sure that you have the most current runtime from the .NET Core downloads page.
Getting Illumina Connected Annotations
Latest Release
Please visit Illumina Connected Annotations. to obtain the latest release.
mkdir -p IlluminaConnectedAnnotations/Data
cd IlluminaConnectedAnnotations
Quick Start
If you want to get started right away, we've created a script that unzips the Illumina Connected Annotations build, downloads the annotation data, and starts annotating a test file:
bash ./
We have verified that this script works on Windows (using Git Bash or WSL), Linux, and Mac OS X.
Obtain the docker image in a zip file (e.g. IlluminaConnectedAnnotations-3.22.0-0-gc13dcb61-net6.0-docker.tar.gz), and load it as follows
docker load < IlluminaConnectedAnnotations-3.22.0-0-gc13dcb61-net6.0-docker.tar.gz
If you want to build your own docker image, it is really easy to do. You just need to have Illumina Connected Annotations zip file and then download the Dockerfile and this script.
Put both files (
and Dockerfile
) inside the same folder.
In terminal, execute command below inside the folder where you put those scripts:
chmod +x
./ [path to zip file] [image tag]
After you run the script, the docker image will be available in your local machine with image name illumina-connected-annotations:[image tag specified]
For Docker, we have special instructions for running the Downloader:
docker run --rm -it -v local/data/folder:/scratch illumina-connected-annotations:v3.22.0 Downloader --ga GRCh37 -o /scratch
Similarly, we have special instructions for running IlluminaConnectedAnnotations (Here's a toy VCF in case you need it):
docker run --rm -it -v local/data/folder:/scratch illumina-connected-annotations:v3.22.0 IlluminaConnectedAnnotations -c /scratch/Cache/ \
-r /scratch/References/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.Nirvana.dat \
--sd /scratch/SupplementaryAnnotation/GRCh37 \
-i /scratch/HiSeq.10000.vcf.gz -o /scratch/HiSeq
Please note that since our data files are usually accessed through a Docker volume, there is a noticeable performance penalty when running Illumina Connected Annotations in Docker.
For convenience, the user is encouraged to create aliases for the docker commands. For example:
alias IlluminaConnectedAnnotations="docker run --rm -it -v local/data/folder:/scratch illumina-connected-annotations:v3.22.0 IlluminaConnectedAnnotations"
Downloading the data files
To download the latest data sources (or update the ones that you already have), use the following command to automate the download from S3:
dotnet bin/Release/net6.0/Downloader.dll \
--ga GRCh37 \
-o Data
- the
argument specifies the genome assembly which can beGRCh37
, orboth
. - the
argument specifies the output directory
Glitches in the Matrix
Every once in a while, the download process does not go smoothly. Perhaps the internet connection cut out or you ran out of disk space. The Downloader attempts to detect these situations by checking the file sizes at the very end. If you see that a file was marked truncated
, try fixing the root cause and running the downloader again.
From time to time, you can re-run the Downloader to get the latest annotation files. It will only download the files that changed.
Download a test VCF file
Here's a toy VCF file you can play around with:
curl -O
Running Illumina Connected Annotations
Once you have downloaded the data sets, use the following command to annotate your VCF:
dotnet Annotator.dll \
-c Data/Cache \
--sd Data/SupplementaryAnnotation/GRCh37 \
-r Data/References/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.Nirvana.dat \
-i HiSeq.10000.vcf.gz \
-o HiSeq.10000
- the
argument specifies the cache directory - the
argument specifies the supplementary annotation directory - the
argument specifies the compressed reference path - the
argument specifies the input VCF path - the
argument specifies the output filename prefix
When running Illumina Connected Annotations, performance metrics are shown as it evaluates each chromosome in the input VCF file:
Illumina Connected Annotations (c) 2023 Illumina, Inc.
Initialization Time Positions/s
Cache 00:00:00.0
SA Position Scan 00:00:00.0 153,634
Reference Preload Annotation Variants/s
chr1 00:00:00.2 00:00:00.8 11,873
Summary Time Percent
Initialization 00:00:00.0 1.5 %
Preload 00:00:00.2 4.9 %
Annotation 00:00:00.8 18.5 %
Time: 00:00:04.4
The output will be a JSON file called HiSeq.10000.json.gz
. Here's the full JSON file.
The Illumina Connected Annotations command line
The full command line options can be viewed by using the -h
option or no options
dotnet Annotator.dll
Illumina Connected Annotations (c) 2023 Illumina, Inc.
USAGE: dotnet Annotator.dll -i <vcf path> -c <cache dir> --sd <sa dir> -r <ref path> -o <base output filename>
Annotates a set of variants
--cache, -c <directory>
input cache directory
--in, -i <path> input VCF path
--out, -o <file path> output file path
--ref, -r <path> input compressed reference sequence path
--sd <directory> input supplementary annotation directory
--sources, -s <VALUE> annotation data sources to be used (comma
separated list of supported tags)
--force-mt forces to annotate mitochondrial variants
--legacy-vids enables support for legacy VIDs
--enable-dq report DQ from VCF samples field
enables support for bidirectional gene fusions
--str <VALUE> user provided STR annotation TSV file
--vcf-info <VALUE> additional vcf info field keys (comma separated)
desired in the output
--vcf-sample-info <VALUE>
additional vcf format field keys (comma separated)
desired in the output
--help, -h displays the help menu
--version, -v displays the version
Supplementary annotation version: 69, Reference version: 7
Specifying annotation sources
By default, Illumina Connected Annotations will use all available data sources. However, the user can customize the set of sources using the --sources|-s
option. If an unknown source is specified, a warning message will be printed.
dotnet Annotator.dll \
-c Data/Cache/GRCh37 \
--sd Data/SupplementaryAnnotation/GRCh37 \
-r Data/References/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.Nirvana.dat \
-i HiSeq.10000.vcf.gz \
-o HiSeq.10000 \
-s omim,gnomad,ense
Illumina Connected Annotations (c) 2023 Illumina, Inc.
WARNING: Unknown tag in data-sources: ense.
Available values are: aminoAcidConservation,primateAI,dbsnp,spliceAI,revel,cosmic,clinvar,gnomad,
Initialization Time Positions/s
SA Position Scan 00:00:00.3 307,966
The list of available values is compiled from the files provided (using -c
and --sd