"1000 Genomes Project"
"TCGA oesophageal carcinomas"
Field | Type | Notes |
genes | genes object | 5' gene & 3' gene |
germlineSources | string array | matches in known germline data sources |
somaticSources | string array | matches in known somatic data sources |
Field | Type | Notes |
first | gene object | 5' gene |
second | gene object | 3' gene |
isParalogPair | bool | true when both genes are paralogs for each other |
isPseudogenePair | bool | true when both genes are pseudogenes for each other |
isReadthrough | bool | true when this fusion gene is a readthrough event (both are on the same strand and there are no genes between them) |
Field | Type | Notes |
hgnc | string | gene symbol. e.g. MSH6 |
isOncogene | bool | true when this gene is an oncogene |