
This Quick Start guide provides instructions and resources to guide users through deploying Dynamic Read Analysis for GENomics (DRAGEN) on Azure. It is primarily intended for users who are interested in a quick and easy setup for running genomics workloads in the cloud.

This tutorial and its associated Marketplace solution in Azure were developed by Illumina in collaboration with Microsoft. The reference deployment described below serves as a starting point, but can be further customized to meet your needs.

If you run into any issues while going through the tutorial, please share your feedback with us!


Supported Regions

DRAGEN on Azure is available in regions where FPGA-enabled Standard NP Family VMs are available. At the time of this writing, supported regions currently include:

For the most current information on available regions, see the NP-series row of the chart here.

Architecture Diagram


Resource List

List of Azure resources that are deployed by this quickstart if default settings and parameters are used:

Note on Batch Node Pool Allocation

Batch offers two options for allocation of node pools: Batch managed and user subscription modes. A single Batch Account can only support one node pool type at a time, meaning you cannot have batch managed and user subscription mode node pools under the same batch account.

Batch Managed Node Pools

When Batch Managed allocation mode is selected, users must request NP VM quota for each specific Batch instance they create. Nodes are allocated as needed from Batch-managed subscriptions. This scenario works best when users intend to persist and use one or very few Batch instances for their DRAGEN jobs. It is less ideal in situations where the creation/deletion of Batch accounts is automated or occurs frequently, as with CI/CD.

User Subscription Node Pools

When the User Subscription allocation mode is selected, users request an overall quota for NP VMs for a region within their subscription. With this model, the VMs needed for the Batch account are created directly in the user’s subscription. This setup is useful for CI/CD and other cases where users are running DRAGEN across many Batch accounts within a subscription and/or the Batch accounts are short-lived.

Cost Differences in Node Pool Allocation Modes

There may be cost differences between the two different node pool allocation methods. Consider your usage scenarios and consult Azure documentation and pricing calculators to determine which approach will be most optimal for your needs.

Azure Costs

Users are responsible for costs of any services deployed through this quickstart or its customization options.

Prices are subject to change - more information can be found on the pricing pages for Azure resources deployed through this tutorial:

Users are also responsible for costs of any licenses needed to run DRAGEN (not included in this quickstart - must be obtained separately).

Estimate your Costs

For help in estimating your costs to run DRAGEN on Azure, see the pricing calculator located here.


Technical Requirements

Quota Requirements

DRAGEN runs on a specific Virtual Machine SKU family in Azure, because it requires field-programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware. Due to this requirement, you will need to request access to this Virtual Machine SKU family, as described below.

NP-Series VMs

DRAGEN runs on FPGA-enabled VMs, which are now generally available as the NP-series on Azure.

Currently, the vCPU requirements for NP-series SKUs are in increments of 10. When requesting an updated quota, we recommend requesting vCPUs in batches of 10. You will need a minimum increase of 10 vCPU Quota for NP-series machines for this tutorial.

For steps to increase or verify your NP-series vCPU quota on Azure, follow this deployment step.

Batch Accounts

This quickstart will utilize Azure Batch as the computing environment for DRAGEN, in user subscription mode.

It is also possible to run Azure Batch in Batch service allocation mode. In Batch service allocation mode, compute nodes are subject to a separate quota. For DRAGEN, in Batch service allocation mode, you will need to request additional quota for NP-series vCPUs for your discrete Azure Batch account. Current default quotas for Batch accounts can be found here. You can increase your Azure Batch account quota by following the steps here.

Required Permissions (Authorization / Access Controls)

To provision this solution, the Active Directory principal (account, service principal, etc.) should require at least Azure subscription-wide contributor access.

If your organization is concerned about this level of access, a deployment pipeline (e.g., GitHub Actions) running as a managed service principal with contributor access can allow others to have a more restricted privilege level (e.g., Resource Group Contributor, Subscription Reader).

When utilizing a User Subscription Mode Batch Account, the Azure Batch Service must be added to the Azure Subscription as a Contributor. To add this level of access, you must be at least a Subscription Contributor. For more information, see additional configuration for user subscription mode.



Login to your Azure Portal account

  1. Log in to your Azure account in the Azure Portal.
  2. Ensure you have Quota for NP-series Virtual Machines, as outlined in the pre-requisites section above, by navigating to:

    • Subscriptions -> Choose your subscription
    • Click Usages + quotas from the left-side menu
    • Filter the list by typing NP into the left search bar.
      • You should see Standard NPS Family vCPUs, and a denomination. If you see 0 of 0, click the edit icon to request quota.

Deploy the Quickstart (solution template)

  1. While signed in to your Azure account, open the page for the DRAGEN Solution:
    1. Navigate to the Marketplace
    2. Search for “DRAGEN” and select DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform for Genomic Data Analysis on Azure Batch
  2. If prompted, review the terms and conditions and then choose Accept Terms
  3. Click Create
  4. You’ll be prompted to select a resource group and other particulars of the solution to deploy

    NOTE: For storage settings, the “Premium” type SKUs are not currently supported by this offering

  5. Once you’ve made your selections, click Review + Create at the bottom of the screen and click Create
  6. You can check deployment status in the top right of the Azure Portal page deployment-status

Additional Configurations

Advanced Usage: ARM Template

Incorporating DRAGEN on Azure into an existing solution may be as easy as using the ARM template that is exported alongside this documentation.

Usage Scenarios

Deployment using the ARM template enables several more advanced scenarios, such as:

Prerequisites for ARM Template Deployment

Before attempting to deploy to your subscription via the ARM template, ensure that you have completed all of the prerequisites for running DRAGEN on Azure.


The ARM template takes the following input parameters:

Required parameters (no default value set)
Parameter Name Description
prefix Prefix for resource names (1-17 alphanumeric characters)
azureBatchServiceOid Object ID for Azure Batch on the user’s tenant (Can be found by running the command az ad sp show --id ddbf3205-c6bd-46ae-8127-60eb93363864 --query objectId)
Optional parameters (default values are set but can be overridden)
Parameter Name Default Value Description
location Resource group location Azure Region where resources should be deployed
storageAccountName prefix + “storage” Name for Azure Blob Storage account (Total of 3-24 alphanumeric characters including prefix)
storageSku Standard_LRS* Azure Storage SKU
storageNewOrExisting new Specify whether to use an existing storage account or create a new one (Allowed values: new or existing)
offerSku dragen-4-0 SKU for the DRAGEN offer in the Marketplace
vmImageVersion 4.0.3 DRAGEN version

*NOTE: The “Premium” type SKUs are not currently supported by this offering.

Sample ARM Template Deployment

The following sample deploys the ARM template into a resource group using the Azure CLI deployment group create command:

# Set variables for command inputs
BATCH_OID=<Batch Object Id for your tenant - see Parameters section>

# Create a resource group
az group create -n "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" -l "$LOCATION"

# Deploy the ARM template
az deployment group create \
    -p prefix="$PREFIX" \
    -p azureBatchServiceOid="$BATCH_OID" \
    -f mainTemplate.json \
    --query "properties.outputs"

Using a New vs. Existing Storage Account

By default, the ARM template included with this quickstart creates a new storage account and container. Some users may already have data uploaded to an existing Azure Blob Storage account. To use existing storage, specify the following input parameters to the ARM template in your deployment:

Batch Job & Task Timeout

It is possible to set a max run time on either the batch job or batch task.

The below command will terminate the batch job as well as all tasks within it after the job has been present for 360 minutes.

az batch job set \
    --job-id $JOB_ID \
    --on-all-tasks-complete "terminatejob" \
    --job-max-wall-clock-time "PT360M"

If you would like to set a max run time on the batch task instead, you can add the following section to the task.json:

"constraints": {
    "maxWallClockTime": "PT360M"

Other Deployment Considerations

After deploying DRAGEN on Azure, users will want to take into account the following additional deployment considerations and options, which are not included as part of this quickstart template:

Decisions regarding implementation of any of the above are left to the end user’s discretion.

Testing using the Azure CLI

Once your batch account infrastructure has been created, the following guide can be used to create batch jobs and tasks. This guide makes use of the Azure CLI.

Azure CLI Authentication

The first step is to make sure you are authenticated through Azure CLI, and using the subscription in which your batch account has been provisioned.

Batch Account Login

You will need to authenticate with the provisioned batch account in order to create jobs and tasks.

az batch account login -n <batch account name> -g <resource group name>

Create Batch Job

Once authenticated, the next step is to create a batch job using the following variables:

az batch job create --id <JOB_ID> --pool-id <POOL_ID>

Create Batch Task

Once the batch job has been created, a task can be added to it. This can be done using the JOB_ID and a task.json specification file:

Batch Command

The command passed to the batch task is what will run once the batch task starts. The following is an example that will run a series of commands using bash.

This example takes advantage of bash to execute commands, as well as make sure that environment variables are available. The following are example environment variables and bash command:

/bin/bash -c \
"mkdir <REF_DIR> <OUT_DIR>; \
tar xvf dragen.tar -C <REF_DIR>; \
/opt/edico/bin/dragen --partial-reconfig HMM --ignore-version-check true; \
/opt/edico/bin/dragen -f -r <REF_DIR> \
    -1 <FQ1> \
    -2 <FQ2> \
    --RGID <RGID> \
    --RGSM <RGSM> \
    --enable-bam-indexing true \
    --enable-map-align-output true \
    --enable-sort true \
    --output-file-prefix <OUTPUT_PREFIX> \
    --enable-map-align true \
    --output-format BAM \
    --output-directory <OUT_DIR> \
    --enable-variant-caller true \
    --lic-server <LICENSE>"


The following example will generate a full URL with SAS token to access a file in a private blob storage account. This is useful when wanting to obtain read access to a specific file in a protected storage account.

az storage blob generate-sas \
    --name <BLOB_PATH> \
    --account-name <STORAGE_ACCOUNT> \
    --account-key <STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY> \
    --container-name <CONTAINER_NAME> \
    --expiry <EXPIRE_DATE> \
    --permissions r \
    --https \
    --full-uri \
    --output tsv

If obtaining write access to a container within a storage account is necessary, a slightly different command can be used.

az storage container generate-sas \
    --name <CONTAINER_NAME> \
    --account-name <STORAGE_ACCOUNT> \
    --expiry <EXPIRE_DATE> \
    --permissions aclrw \
    --https-only \
    --output tsv

In this case, the SAS token returned by the command will need to be appended to the container URL, for example:


Resource Files

In this example, both the genome file and the FASTQ files need to be on the batch node when running the batch command. This script takes advantage of the resourceFiles configuration to facilitate this.

If the genome tarball and FASTQ files are in a private blob storage account, a SAS token will need to be generated to allow batch to download the file.

"resourceFiles": [{
    "filePath": "dragen.tar",
    "httpUrl": "$GENOME_URL"
}, {
    "filePath": "1.fq.gz",
    "httpUrl": "$FQ1_URL"
}, {
    "filePath": "2.fq.gz",
    "httpUrl": "$FQ2_URL"

Output Files

Output files configuration tells batch tasks to write certain files to external locations, triggered by certain events. We will use this feature in this example to get various logs and DRAGEN output out to our storage container at the end of the run.

"outputFiles": [{
    "filePattern": "../stdout.txt",
    "destination": {
        "container": {
            "containerUrl": "<CONTAINER_URL>",
            "path": "<TASK_ID>/stdout.txt"
    "uploadOptions": {
        "uploadCondition": "taskcompletion"
}, {
    "filePattern": "../stderr.txt",
    "destination": {
        "container": {
            "containerUrl": "<CONTAINER_URL>",
            "path": "<TASK_ID>/stderr.txt"
    "uploadOptions": {
        "uploadCondition": "taskcompletion"
}, {
    "filePattern": "<OUT_DIR>/**/*",
    "destination": {
        "container": {
            "containerUrl": "<CONTAINER_URL>",
            "path": "<TASK_ID>/<OUT_DIR>"
    "uploadOptions": {
        "uploadCondition": "taskcompletion"
}, {
    "filePattern": "/var/log/dragen.log",
    "destination": {
        "container": {
            "containerUrl": "<CONTAINER_URL>",
            "path": "<TASK_ID>/log/dragen.log"
    "uploadOptions": {
        "uploadCondition": "taskcompletion"
}, {
    "filePattern": "/var/log/dragen/**/*",
    "destination": {
        "container": {
            "containerUrl": "<CONTAINER_URL>",
            "path": "<TASK_ID>/log/dragen"
    "uploadOptions": {
        "uploadCondition": "taskcompletion"


The overall structure of the task.json will look like the following, with each of the sections described in detail above.

    "id": "<TASK_ID>",
    "commandLine": "<COMMAND>",
    "resourcesFiles": [<RESOURCE_FILES>],
    "outputFiles": [<OUTPUT_FILES>]

Create Task

With the command generated to run within the task, and accessible URLs generated for the genome tarball and FASTQ files, the following command can be used to create the batch task:

The following URLs must either be public, or private but made accessible (for example, with a SAS token):

az batch task create \
    --job-id <JOB_ID> \
    --json-file task.json

Working Example

Batch Job Create
az batch job create --id job1 --pool-id mypool

The following command line string is assigned to the $COMMAND variable.

$COMMAND Variable

/bin/bash -c \
"mkdir dragen output; \
tar xvf dragen.tar -C dragen; \
/opt/edico/bin/dragen --partial-reconfig HMM --ignore-version-check true; \
/opt/edico/bin/dragen -f -r dragen \
    -1 1.fq.gz \
    -2 2.fq.gz \
    --RGID NA24385-AJ-Son-R1-NS_S33 \
    --RGSM NA24385-AJ-Son-R1-NS_S33 \
    --enable-bam-indexing true \
    --enable-map-align-output true \
    --enable-sort true \
    --output-file-prefix NA24385-AJ-Son-R1-NS_S33 \
    --enable-map-align true \
    --output-format BAM \
    --output-directory output \
    --enable-variant-caller true \
    --lic-server <LICENSE>"


This one-liner achieves the following:

  1. Sets up Genome and Output directories
  2. Unarchives the genome file
  3. Runs a partial reconfig on the FPGA
  4. Runs DRAGEN

The $COMMAND variable is now interpolated in the task.json file below.

Create task.json
    "id": "task1",
    "commandLine": "$COMMAND",
    "resourceFiles": [{
        "filePath": "dragen.tar",
        "httpUrl": ""
    }, {
        "filePath": "1.fq.gz",
        "httpUrl": ""
    }, {
        "filePath": "2.fq.gz",
        "httpUrl": ""
    "outputFiles": [{
        "filePattern": "../stdout.txt",
        "destination": {
            "container": {
                "containerUrl": "$CONTAINER_URL",
                "path": "task1/stdout.txt"
        "uploadOptions": {
            "uploadCondition": "taskcompletion"
    }, {
        "filePattern": "../stderr.txt",
        "destination": {
            "container": {
                "containerUrl": "$CONTAINER_URL",
                "path": "task1/stderr.txt"
        "uploadOptions": {
            "uploadCondition": "taskcompletion"
    }, {
        "filePattern": "output/**/*",
        "destination": {
            "container": {
                "containerUrl": "$CONTAINER_URL",
                "path": "task1/output"
        "uploadOptions": {
            "uploadCondition": "taskcompletion"
    }, {
        "filePattern": "/var/log/dragen.log",
        "destination": {
            "container": {
                "containerUrl": "$CONTAINER_URL",
                "path": "task1/log/dragen.log"
        "uploadOptions": {
            "uploadCondition": "taskcompletion"
    }, {
        "filePattern": "/var/log/dragen/**/*",
        "destination": {
            "container": {
                "containerUrl": "<CONTAINER_URL>",
                "path": "task1/log/dragen"
        "uploadOptions": {
            "uploadCondition": "taskcompletion"
Batch Task Create
az batch task create \
    --job-id job1 \
    --json-file task.json

File Streaming

While it is always necessary to have the genome file saved locally on the node, DRAGEN can stream input FASTQ files and BAMs from private Azure Blob containers for faster processing. DRAGEN does not currently support streaming from public Blob containers.

Blob storage authentication has been improved with DRAGEN v3.10. Credential management is now controlled via environment variables used in the Azure SDK, allowing support for Azure SAS streaming and BLOB identity-based credential management. Support for Azure managed identity authentication was introduced with v3.10.

Starting with DRAGEN v3.10, the need for and use of the “~/.azure-credentials” file for input streaming has been deprecated. New environment variables were introduced for input streaming. Environment variables remove the need for file parsing logic. Using access keys will improve security since the key will only live in memory.

DRAGEN v3.10 supports two cases for Azure authentication:

When using storage account access keys for authentication, DRAGEN can read from Azure Blob storage regardless of whether it is run on or off Azure. To use this method of authentication, “AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME=$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME” and “AZ_ACCOUNT_KEY=$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY” environment variables must precede the DRAGEN invocation on the command line, e.g.:

/opt/edico/bin/dragen -f -r $ref \
-1 '' \
-2 '' \

Authentication with managed identities is only available to DRAGEN when run on Azure. The DRAGEN VMs must have Contributor permissions (read/write) to the Storage Account that it wants to read from using managed identities authentication. In order to grant these permissions to a VM, a managed identity is needed. System-assigned managed identities can be assigned during creation of a VM or to existing VMs using either the Azure Portal or Azure CLI. User-assigned managed identities can also be assigned during creation of a VM if the Azure CLI is used for creation. However, user-assigned managed identities cannot be assigned at time of creation to VMs that are created using the portal. Assignment of user-assigned managed identities to portal-created VMs can only be performed after creation of the VM. In this case, the user-assigned managed identity must first be created using the portal or CLI before being assigned to an existing VM, which can also be performed either with the portal or CLI. After assigning a managed identity to a VM, it must be granted permission to a storage account using either the portal or CLI.

If a single managed identity exists on a VM, only the “AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME=$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME” environment variable is required to stream inputs with DRAGEN. For VMs with multiple managed identities, the “AZR_IDENT_CLIENT_ID=$IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID” environment variable with the client id of the managed identity that can access the storage container must also be specified. To use managed identities authentication, these environment variables must precede the DRAGEN invocation on the command line, e.g. (for a VM with multiple managed identities):

/opt/edico/bin/dragen -f -r $ref \
-1 '' \
-2 '' \
Stream from Azure Blob Storage

The following parameters are needed for streaming from Blob storage using storage account access keys:

$COMMAND Variable for Streaming FASTQ Inputs with Storage Account Access Key

The following is an example $COMMAND variable that streams FASTQ inputs from Blob storage using a storage account access key:


/bin/bash -c \
"mkdir dragen output; \
tar xvf dragen.tar -C dragen; \
/opt/edico/bin/dragen --partial-reconfig HMM --ignore-version-check true; \
/opt/edico/bin/dragen -f -r dragen \
    -1 <FQ1_URL> \
    -2 <FQ2_URL> \
    --RGID <RGID> \
    --RGSM <RGSM> \
    --enable-bam-indexing true \
    --enable-map-align-output true \
    --enable-sort true \
    --output-file-prefix <OUTPUT_PREFIX> \
    --enable-map-align true \
    --output-format BAM \
    --output-directory output \
    --enable-variant-caller true \
    --lic-server <LICENSE>"


The following parameters are needed for streaming from Blob storage using Azure managed identities authentication:

$COMMAND Variable for Streaming FASTQ Inputs with Managed Identities

The following is an example $COMMAND variable that streams FASTQ inputs from Blob storage using a VM with more than one managed identities:


/bin/bash -c \
"mkdir dragen output; \
tar xvf dragen.tar -C dragen; \
/opt/edico/bin/dragen --partial-reconfig HMM --ignore-version-check true; \
/opt/edico/bin/dragen -f -r dragen \
    -1 <FQ1_URL> \
    -2 <FQ2_URL> \
    --RGID <RGID> \
    --RGSM <RGSM> \
    --enable-bam-indexing true \
    --enable-map-align-output true \
    --enable-sort true \
    --output-file-prefix <OUTPUT_PREFIX> \
    --enable-map-align true \
    --output-format BAM \
    --output-directory output \
    --enable-variant-caller true \
    --lic-server <LICENSE>"


The above examples achieve the same as the $COMMAND before with the addition of the environment variables required for streaming inputs from Blob storage: AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME and AZ_ACCESS_KEY or AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME and AZR_IDENT_CLIENT_ID.

In these cases, the FASTQ files will no longer need to be referenced in the resourceFiles in the task.json


If using a FASTQ list file to reference and stream FASTQ files, the FASTQ list file must also be local to the node. The FASTQ files referenced in the FASTQ list can be in the form of URLs to files on an Azure Storage Account, in which case, the FASTQs will be streamed by DRAGEN.

The following is an example of streaming inputs with a FASTQ list using the resourceFiles configuration as well as a SAS token to access the FASTQ list file in Azure Blob Storage. This is stored as the $LIST_URL variable.

$LIST_URL for Input Streaming
LIST_URL=$(az storage blob generate-sas \
    --name <FASTQ_LIST_BLOB_PATH> \
    --account-name <STORAGE_ACCOUNT> \
    --account-key <STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY> \
    --container-name <CONTAINER_NAME> \
    --expiry <EXPIRE_DATE> \
    --permissions r \
    --https \
    --full-uri \
    --output tsv)

In this example, the FASTQ files will be streamed from Azure Blob Storage using a storage account access key. Hence, we will once again need the AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME and AZ_ACCESS_KEY environment variables in the $COMMAND Variable. If using managed identities to stream the FASTQ files, use the AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME (for VMs with a single managed identity) or AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME and AZR_IDENT_CLIENT_ID (for VMs with multiple managed identities), instead.

$COMMAND Variable for Input Streaming with FASTQ List and Storage Account Access Key

/bin/bash -c \
"mkdir dragen output; \
tar xvf dragen.tar -C dragen; \
/opt/edico/bin/dragen --partial-reconfig HMM --ignore-version-check true; \
/opt/edico/bin/dragen -f -r dragen \
    --fastq-list fastq_list.csv \
    --fastq-list-sample-id <RGSM> \
    --enable-bam-indexing true \
    --enable-map-align-output true \
    --enable-sort true \
    --output-file-prefix <OUTPUT_PREFIX> \
    --enable-map-align true \
    --output-format BAM \
    --output-directory output \
    --enable-variant-caller true \
    --lic-server <LICENSE>"

task.json resourceFiles for FASTQ List Input
"resourceFiles": [{
    "filePath": "dragen.tar",
    "httpUrl": "$GENOME_URL"
}, {
    "filePath": "fastq_list.csv",
    "httpUrl": "$LIST_URL"
Example Bash Script

An example bash script using some of the commands shown above is available for reference. There is a required LICENSE_URL environment variable, as well as some variables within the script that must be set before running it, ie:

LICENSE_URL=https://<username>:<password> ./

There are accompanying comments within the bash script to help set these.


ARM Deployment

If you are running into issues getting the infrastructure spun up through the ARM template, there are a few options for debugging:

  1. If the resource group was created, navigate to the resource group, and then the deployments menu option. Here you will find the list of deployments tied to this resource group, and navigating deeper into each deployment may show additional information for the deployment of each resource.

  2. Open the Activity Log for an additional source of information for recent issues within your subscription.

Batch Tasks

If you are running into issues getting your batch task to run successfully, the best place to get information to help debug the problem is within the stdout and stderr of the batch task itself. This can be accessed by navigating to your batch account in the portal, and then to the specific job and task that ran. Once there, you will be able to access stdout.txt and stderr.txt:



For failed DRAGEN runs, navigate to the batch account in the portal, then job and task associated with the failed run to view DRAGEN log files.

Common Issues

  1. Quota issues: If quota increases haven’t been requested, it can be common to run into quota issues for both the number of batch accounts as well as for the Standard NPS Family vCPUs. Please make sure you have available quota before deploying the ARM template.

  2. Input file streaming: Currently, DRAGEN does not support input streaming from public Blob containers. Input files from private Blob containers can be streamed provided that the proper storage credentials are passed to the batch command.

  3. Command lines: Ensure that variables supplied to Azure CLI commands (e.g., account keys, license URLs, names of resource groups, batch accounts, storage accounts and containers, batch pools, etc.) are correct. Ensure that DRAGEN command lines are formed properly and that the correct variables are passed to it.

  4. Task JSON: Ensure that keys and values supplied to the json task file are correct and complete. Ensure that the file adheres to JSON formatting rules.

  5. Authentication: Ensure that the Azure CLI is authenticated for use with the proper subscription prior to creating resource groups and deploying ARM templates. Log in to the proper Azure batch account prior to creating batch jobs and tasks. Provide the required authentication (e.g., SAS tokens) for private storage accounts and/or input files, as needed. Ensure that sufficient expiration periods are specified when generating authentication tokens.

Additional Resources


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How to contribute

When you have an idea for contribution, or want to report a bug or issue, please open an issue!


Please open a issue if you would like to provide any feedback on the contents of this repository.


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